Install IPFS

You can install the Go IPFS implementation from source or from prebuilt packages.

Prebuilt Packages

We use to do automated builds.

Download a binary for your platform (more coming):

Then, unzip the archive, and move ipfs somewhere in your $PATH:

mv ipfs /usr/local/bin/ipfs

Test it out:

> ipfs version
ipfs version 0.2.0

That's it!

Getting Started with IPFS   

Note: if you're concerned about security, build from source, as either or could introduce vulnerabilites. We will be doing signed releases soon. Post here if you'd like this sooner.

From Source


Then run:

go get -u

This will download ipfs and its dependencies, and compile ipfs. Test it out:

> ipfs version
ipfs version 0.2.0

That's it!

Getting Started with IPFS   



If you have any problems, come get live help at #ipfs or via the mailing list.

Check Go Version

IPFS works with Go 1.4+. To check what go version you have installed, type go version. Here's what I get:

> go version
go version go1.4.1 darwin/amd64

If you need to update, it is recommended to install from the canonical Go packages. Package managers often contain out-of-date Go packages.

Install FUSE

For more details on setting up FUSE (so that you can mount the filesystem), see